Well Equipped

At Abhay Memorial Trust Group of Institutions, we have constructed our own engineering workshop to enable realistic experiences using model tools and experiments so that, the students graduating from our institute play a leading role in big projects of tomorrow. The College has established its laboratories. It has already established well equipped laboratories like Physics Lab with Darkroom, Chemistry Lab, Electronics Lab, Electrical Lab, Basic Mechanical Lab, Material Testing Lab, Building Material Lab and Survey Lab. The Mechanics lab and workshop is equipped with a large number of measuring instruments, training kits etc. covering the full spectrum of experiments required. In addition to the standard lab instruments Universal Testing Machine, Izod Impact Testing Machine and Rock-well / Brinell Hardness Testing Machine and many other experiment setups Lath Machine (with Standard Accessories), Shaper, Grider Hydraulic Hacksaw Machine and Wood Turing Lathe machine etc

The Workshop department have well equipped workshops for all trades with sufficient equipment and consumable items as per requirement. Forman Instructer looks all the affairs of the department along with all the departmental staff members which are well qualified and dedicated.

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